Britannic Council of Madeira welcomes District GJW

Monday 25th September 2023 saw the Britannic Council of Madeira kick off their new season by welcoming W. Bro. Vincent Fattorusso, the District Grand Junior Warden and a delegation of District officers to their meeting. A good turnout with around 20 brethren in the temple and 17 dining.

At the meeting W. Bro. Alan White was installed into the chair in fine manner by W. Bro. Bryan Wakely. The Master then installed his officers before conducting the degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr welcoming into the order Bro. Carlo Callisto. The ceremony was conducted in fine style by the Worshipful Master and his newly installed officers.

The festive board was typical of AMD meetings with a room full of chatter and laughter which concluded as usual with the Worshipful Master toasting to our next merry meeting.

Photographs from the meeting can be viewed here.


Grand Rank - Congratulations

I have received notification from the Grand Secretary informing me of the allocation of Grand Ranks this year and we, in London, have been particularly fortunate to have six recipients this year.  Congratulations to them, they are -

Dr Colin Howard, Secretary at Londinium Council who has been appointed to Active Grand Inner Guard, many congratulations Colin, a real honour for you, the Council and the District.

Stephen Fenton, who has been appointed Past Grand Sword Bearer.

Harvey Roland and Julian Trought, who have been appointed Past Grand Standard Bearer.

Brian Chapman and David Major who have been appointed Past Grand Inner Guard.

There have also been other successes in which we can share -

Other members of London who received promotion through other Districts are -

Brian Sarre, a member of Goose and Gridiron, who (through Essex) has been promoted Past Grand Registrar.

Dougie Black (through Grand Masters Centennial No 100) has been promoted to Past Grand Senior Deacon.

Many congratulations to all of these brethren, all worthy recipients, and I am sure I speak for us all in wishing them well.

They will receive their honour at the Grand Council which will meet at Freemasons Hall on Tuesday 24th October, please note the date and join me there to see them personally congratulated by the Grand Master.


New Members' Dinner 2023

On a warm July evening a number of new members to the AMD District of London gathered at The Boot & Flogger Public House near Borough market for the District's Annual New Members' Dinner. The evening was hosted by the District Grand Prefect, R. W. Bro. Colin Woodcock along with members of his executive, the District Grand Senior Warden W. Bro. Peter Warner and the District Grand Secretary W. Bro. Scott Cargill.

As per the ethos of the District it was a very inclusive evening with Colin engaging all those new members to get their initial views on the order and what prompted them to join the order. This provided some interesting feedback for Colin and his team. Scott gave an overview of the Councils within the District and there was very much an emphasis on visiting other Councils and encouraging brethren to take the opportunity to take Degrees where and when they could.

The District's Council of Improvement was discussed and all those present were encouraged to come along.

A great evening with good food, drinks and excellent company. The evening concluded with a toast to our next merry meeting.

December Newsletter

The December edition of the District Newsletter is now available.

To read the latest edition simply click on the link below

Click here for the December Edition

Previous editions can be found under "LATEST" in the menu bar at the top of the page.