District Officers 2020 / 2021

Dist. Grand Senior Warden - W. Bro. Peter Halls-Dickerson PGStB
Dist. Grand Junior Warden - W. Bro. Peter Warner PGStB
Dist. Grand Chaplain - W. Bro. David Alexander PGJD
Dist. Grand Treasurer - W. Bro. John Baker PGIG
Dist. Grand Secretary - W. Bro. Scott Cargill PGStwd
Dist. Grand Director of Ceremonies - W. Bro. Mike Adkins DistGDC
Dep. Dist. Grand Director of Ceremonies - W. Bro. David Morris PGJD
Dist. Grand Senior Deacon - W. Bro. Tony Carew-Hunt
Dist. Grand Junior Deacon - W. Bro. Colin Howard
Dist. Asst. Grand Director of Ceremonies - W. Bro. Roger Keys
Dist. Grand Sword Bearer - W. Bro. Brian Chapman
Dist. Grand Standard Bearer - W. Bro. David Major
Dist. Asst. Grand Secretary - Bro. Richard Criddle
Dist. Grand Organist - W. Bro. Douglas Black PGStB
Dist. Grand Inner Guard - W. Bro. Nigel Harris
Dist. Grand Steward - W. Bro. Robert Benham
Dist. Grand Steward - W. Bro. Jon Cogger
Dist. Grand Steward - W. Bro. Mark Elphick
Dist. Grand Tyler - W. Bro. Mark Corcoran PGStB